Techniques and Methods in Psychological Science
How does the human mind work? What are emotions?
Psychology is the discipline that allows us to investigate and understand the reasons for all our behaviors.
Thanks to this cluster Techniques and methods in psychological science it is possible to study the basics of psychology and neuropsychology, how individuals relate when they are in a group and some clinical models, such as the psychodynamic one.
It will be possible to find out more about emergency and work psychology, investigate the different learning methods and how culture and society also influence our actions.
A cluster of courses which is aimed at the most curious, those who have a passion or a personal interest in learning more about this subject, and is especially useful for those who carry out a profession where the human relationship is at center: where empathy and the ability to understand people’s feelings are a fundamental added value, like nurses, educators or those who work with victims of critical events.
The cluster is part of the Bachelor Course Techniques and methods in psychological science and it is realized by the University of Padova
If you are interested in enrolling in the Bachelor Course Learn more.

N. course
13 courses

13 months

Temps student, hospital psychologists, nurses, social health workers, school psychologist, educators in the social field (school, community, other contexts with specificity)




Federica Web Learning – University of Padova
The MOOCs of Techniques and Methods in Psychological Science
Learn about the basics of psychology and neuropsychology

What you will learn
- the basic neurophysiological concepts for the understanding of nervous and mental functions
- the history, research design and methods in the Science of Psychology
- to prepare you for analytical thinking and doing across all fields of psychology
- to knowledge and understanding of the main psychological theories on human development
- social processes, group dynamics and the ways people interact
- the basics of Work and Organizational Psychology
The bachelor course “Techniques and Methods in Psychological Science” is realized by the University of Padova. It is aims to provide the basic knowledge that characterizes the different sectors of Psychology, of scientific investigation methods, skills related to cognitive and emotional processes and their psychobiological basis.
The degree course is limited to a maximum of 55 students and it will be delivered online, through MOOCs and possible web conferences.
For more information and direct enrolment visit the website of department.
- public or private bodies aimed at protecting psychological well-being in its many forms;
- companies and public and private bodies, cooperatives operating in the private sector for research, consultancy, training and organizational development activities;
- institutions and institutions for continuing education;
- organizations that deal with the management of migratory flows, inclusiveness and human rights (also in emergency contexts).
See the Students Guide for more information.

L’Università di Padova è articolato con un’offerta didattica d’eccellenza e in continua trasformazione con oltre 100 corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale, 10 corsi di laurea a ciclo unico, quasi 100 master, oltre 60 scuole di specializzazione, più di 20 corsi di perfezionamento e oltre 10 corsi di alta formazione, 40 scuole di dottorato, una scuola d’eccellenza quale la Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori, corsi in lingua inglese e corsi online.