Teaching MOOCs
Teaching has undergone a rapid evolution in recent years that has prompted teachers and trainers to invest in their skills.
Choose the Teaching MOOCs that are right for you and take them for free whenever and wherever you want.
Take all the lessons, complete the quizzes, submit the evaluation questionnaire and download your certificate.

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Free Online Teaching Courses
Courses in the field of teaching allow you to learn skills in educational pedagogy, psychology, sociology but also digital and soft skills.
Choose free online courses on Federica Web Learning, the digital learning space that provides you with the opportunity to update your personal and professional skills or acquire new ones.
The innovative teaching system open to all, allows you to study whenever and wherever you want!
What are MOOCs?
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are university level courses in a wide range of subjects that allow access to large numbers of learners(Massive), with no entry requirements and free of charge (Open) available on the Web (Online), and they offer a complete learning experience (Course).
How are Federica MOOCs organized?
Federica MOOCs include text slides and video lectures generally subdivided into lessons units each. There are often self-assessment quizzes at the end of the lessons to check your progress. The courses also include images, easy-to-read texts, highlighted words, quotations, video and audio clips, as well as multimedia links that play the dual role of simplifying and extending your research.
Are there any deadlines for the courses?
No, the only deadline is the end of the course. Some content, like quizzes or assignments, may only be available for a limited period of time depending on the teacher.
Do I have to pay to follow the MOOCs?
The Federica Open courses are all completely free of charge. FedericaPro MOOCsX may have a paywall depending on the type of course.
What device can I use to access the courses?
You can use any devicedesktop PC Desktop, Tablet o Mobile.